Thursday, April 9, 2015

Gratitude Wednesday

Going forward, I'd like to dedicate Wednesdays to Gratitude and Saturdays to Things I've Learned. I'd love to hear from others (all the time) but particularly on these days. Join in! It'd be such an honor to share in your moments of gratefulness and learn from your own gained knowledge each week.

So, without further ado,  here goes the first Gratitude Wednesday of many.............

  • I am thankful that I drove at 11 o'clock at night completely sober and coming from a meeting, not a bar or liquor store tonight. As a result, I have also confirmed my need for glasses during night driving ( never knew if it was the booze or my eyesight making it hard to see)
  • I am grateful for AA
  • I give thanks to this Recovery Blogging community I have found
  • Happy to say that I stayed home from work today and actually worked from home honestly and not half-assedly. Happy I stayed home truly because my sitter was ill and not because I was hungover. Grateful for my desire to live honestly.
  • My mid-month bills are already paid and my house is still clean from Saturday cleaning day- this is miraculous and I am beyond thankful
  • My friends rock. My family rocks harder. Grateful
  • 18 days, 18 days, 18 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • My husband who is taking on a whole lot of tasks over the next two days off. By doing so, he is helping me learn to let go of some control. (that's another post entirely and one of my many vices I need to recover from) Thanks babe!
  • Finally, because its late and I am jeopardizing feeling joyful in the morning the later it gets, I am appreciative of my willingness to grow, be uncomfortable, learn, and be patient; all of which would not be possible without the support system and people within it that I am building. You all included, so thank YOU!
Goodnight. Be well, cheers!


  1. I'm replying to your post on Thursday, but I will be looking forward to your Wednesday Gratitude posts from now on. I'm grateful for sober support through blogging!


Your comments are wanted and welcome!!!!!